Senegal : discours du Khalife général des Mourides lors de la Cérémonie officielle du Magal de Touba Appels à la résolution du conflit en Casamance, à l’assistance aux cultivateurs et sinistrés des inondations

Le Grand Magal de Touba 2010 a pris fin, hier, à la Résidence Khadimou Rassoul, où s’est tenue la cérémonie de clôture en présence du Khalife général des Mourides, Serigne Bara Mbacké et du ministre d’Etat, ministre de l’Intérieur, Bécaye Diop. Dans son discours lu par un membre de son entourage, le Khalife a mis l’accent sur les nécessités d’un retour de la paix en Casamance par une reprise des négociations, de trouver des marchés pour que les paysans puissent écouler leurs abondantes récoltes de cette année et l’urgence de créer les conditions à même d’éviter aux sinistrés des inondations de revire pareille calamité. Rappelant le dogme mouride de l’adoration de Dieu et du culte du travail, Mouhamadou Lamine Bara Mbacké a, dans son discours que nous vous proposons de lire en intégralité, conseillé le retour à Dieu, prêché le pardon, la non-violence et mis en garde contre la médisance.

«Au nom de Dieu, le Clément, le Miséricordieux.

Louange à Dieu, Paix et Salut sur le Sceau des Prophètes.

As salâmu ‘alaykum wa rahmatu-l lâhi tahalâ wa barakâtuhû,

Eminents guides religieux et représentants d’associations islamiques,

Monsieur le Ministre d’Etat représentant Son Excellence Monsieur le Président de la République et la délégation qui vous accompagne,

Excellences Messieurs les membres du Corps diplomatique accrédité au Sénégal,

Messieurs les représentants des partis politiques et des organisations non gouvernementales,

Mes frères musulmans,

Chers condisciples mourides,

Honorables hôtes,

C’est avec joie que nous, l’ensemble des mourides, vous exprimons notre satisfaction pour votre présence qui nous honore et apprécions les efforts que vous avez consentis pour célébrer avec nous cet événement islamique. Ceci constitue, si besoin en était encore, une illustration éclatante de la fraternité musulmane et des valeurs humaines si nobles qui nous unissent.

Chers frères, c’est à ce jour du 18 safar 1313 de l’Hégire, correspondant au 10 Août 1895, que Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba quitta son village de Mbacké Bary pour s’engager dans l’œuvre de réhabilitation de l’Islam qui le mena en exil au Gabon. Ce jour-là, il se sépara de sa famille et des disciples qu’il confia à la Garde du Seigneur, le Meilleur Protecteur.

S’adressant à l’Eternel, il eut ces mots que l’hagiographie marqua en lettres d’or dans ses annales : «Ô Seigneur ! Ma vie, ma religion, ma famille et ma demeure Te sont confiés à jamais».

Derrière lui, il laissa des hommes sincères et loyaux qui demeurèrent fidèles à ses enseignements jusqu’à son retour triomphal dans son pays, le 11 Novembre 1902, après presque huit années de solitude, de persécutions, mais aussi d’adoration de Dieu et d’abnégation absolue à rester pour toujours le Serviteur Privilégié du Prophète (PSL). Puisse Dieu accorder à tous ses éminents compagnons et disciples la meilleure rétribution pour leur immense oeuvre dans la voie de Dieu.

Appel à un retour à la table

des négociations pour la paix en Casamance

Ces intenses moments de retrouvailles dans ce lieu béni, pour commémorer cet événement historique, constituent, sans nul doute, la preuve par excellence que ses prières ont été exaucées par le Seigneur qui s’est engagé, dans le Livre Saint, à exaucer la prière de tout serviteur qui L’implore (Sourate 2, Verset 186).

Eminents chefs religieux, nous vous exprimons notre profonde gratitude pour tous les sacrifices que vous avez consentis pour partager avec nous ces précieux instants, dans l’unité, la fraternité et la concorde si chère à notre religion. Ces sentiments fraternels que nous avons toujours partagés avec vous, dans l’adversité comme dans le félicité, s’inscrivent sur les pas de nos communs ancêtres qui s’entraidaient toujours dans tout ce qui pouvait renforcer l’Islam et renforcer l’unité des musulmans et celle de notre chère nation.

Monsieur le Ministre d’Etat, nous saisissons cette occasion pour exprimer notre gratitude la plus sincère envers Son Excellence Monsieur le Président de la République et envers le gouvernement du Sénégal, dans tous ses démembrements, pour l’assistance dynamique à laquelle ils nous ont habitué et qui a contribué efficacement à la réussite de cet événement mondial qu’est devenu le Magal de Touba. Puisse Dieu guider leurs pas dans l’intérêt de la nation et du peuple, à travers toutes ses composantes.

Chers frères représentants des partis politiques et des organisations non gouvernementales, nous vous remercions pour votre présence à cet événement qui occupe déjà une place privilégiée dans votre agenda. Nous prions le Tout-Puissant de vous assister de sorte à ce que vous réussissiez, avec tous les compatriotes, à bâtir un Sénégal où règnent la fraternité et la concorde des cœurs.

Prêche pour le pardon, la non-violence et contre la médisance et l’inquisition

Excellences, Messieurs les membres du corps diplomatique accrédité au Sénégal, nous saluons votre présence et vous exprimons nos remerciements et notre agrément pour les efforts louables que vous ne cessez de déployer pour une coopération fructueuse entre le Sénégal et vos pays respectifs. Nous vous souhaitons la plus grande réussite dans votre noble mission.

Ceci dit, nous implorons Dieu, le Seigneur Omnipotent, de rétablir la paix et la sécurité dans la partie sud de notre pays tout en appréciant les différentes initiatives que le gouvernement et toutes les bonnes volontés ont eu à engager dans cette direction. Nous saisissons cette occasion pour lancer un appel à tous les protagonistes à se retrouver autour d’une table pour aboutir à une solution pacifique et définitive à ce douloureux problème. Car le développement du Sénégal ne peut se faire que dans un climat de paix et de stabilité. Et notre pays a besoin de tous ses innocents fils qui tombent régulièrement sur ce champ de bataille.

Nous voulons ici marquer notre compassion pour tous nos compatriotes victimes des dernières inondations et saluer les efforts déployés par l’État dans le but de reloger les sinistrés moyennant une contrepartie symbolique. Nous encouragerons le gouvernement à redoubler ces efforts en vue d’un règlement définitif de ce problème.

Nous apprécions aussi l’appui de l’État à l’endroit du secteur agricole et l’appelons à la mise en place d’unités de transformation de produits agricoles et à la recherche de marchés extérieurs où nos agriculteurs pourraient écouler l’excédent de leur production qui est particulièrement important cette année.

Le dogme mouride rappelé : adorer Dieu

et travailler honnêtement

Frères musulmans, nous rappelons à notre propre personne et vous rappelons que le pardon, l’indulgence, la retenue dans les propos et la non ingérence dans ce qui ne nous regarde pas, font partie des hautes vertus prônées par l’islam. En effet, le Seigneur dit dans le Coran : «Celui qui pardonne, sa récompense incombe à Dieu ; car Dieu n’aime pas les injustes» (Sourate 42, verset 40). Le prophète – Paix et salut sur lui – de dire : «Quiconque croit en Dieu et au Jour du jugement dernier, qu’il dise du bien ou qu’il garde le silence» et de recommander également : «Ne pas s’immiscer dans ce qui ne le regarde pas, fait partie de ce qui perfectionne la foi de l’individu».

Je vous recommande aussi de se repentir en Dieu et de bannir la violence sous toutes ses formes, car la violence n’engendre que la violence. Craignez Dieu donc et entretenez toujours de bonnes relations, en rendant grâce à Dieu pour avoir gratifié notre pays de la sécurité et de la stabilité.

Quant à vous, chers condisciples mourides, je vous recommande de redoubler d’efforts pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine de Cheikhoul Khadim qui n’est rien d’autre que la réhabilitation des enseignements de l’Islam.

Soyons rigoureux dans l’adoration de Dieu au sens large du terme et persévérons dans le travail honnête pour obtenir des moyens de subsistance licites. Consacrons nous aux contributions destinées aux causes justes à l’instar des mourides véridiques qui nous ont précédés. Persévérons à toujours rester des modèles en matière de tolérance, de droiture, de respect d’autrui et de pardon, conformément à la recommandation de Dieu : «Consacre-toi au pardon, recommande le bien et tourne le dos à ceux qui se comportent mal à ton égard», (Sourate 7, verset 199).

Le Khalife jure de ne jamais trahir

la mission de sauvegarder le patrimoine de Cheikhoul Khadim

En appliquant cette injonction divine, Cheikh Ahmadou Bamba déclara à l’endroit des ennemis qui le persécutèrent injustement pendant plus de trente-trois ans : «J’ai pardonné à tous les ennemis pour l’amour du Seigneur qui les a écartés de moi à jamais, ainsi que je ne songe point à me venger», avant de recommander à son tour, à tous les musulmans : «Comporte-toi avec les autres de la même manière dont tu souhaiterais qu’ils se comportent avec toi».

Consacrons nous aussi de notre mieux à inculquer à nos enfants une bonne éducation islamique qui puisse les protéger contre les courants de pensée allant à l’encontre des principes de notre religion. Car cette jeunesse constitue l’espoir de demain à qui nous passerons le relais.

Nous ne saurions conclure sans exprimer notre gratitude particulière et sans formuler des prières sincères à l’intention de nos frères avec qui nous partageons la descendance de Cheikhoul Khadim, celle de ses frères et de ses premiers disciples, bref, à l’intention de tous les mourides pour leur soutien sans faille à notre endroit et leur unité qui ne se sont jamais démentis.

Pour ce qui nous concerne, nous nous engageons devant Dieu et devant vous à suivre les traces de nos vertueux ascendants et de ne jamais trahir la mission qui nous incombe aujourd’hui, avec l’assistance de Dieu et de l’engagement de tous.

Avec vous, nous œuvrerons, in châ’a-llah, sans relâche et avec sincérité pour la sauvegarde du patrimoine de Cheikhoul Khadim qui constitue notre bien le plus précieux. Car, ce n’est qu’ainsi que nous serons dignes d’être les successeurs de nos valeureux prédécesseurs.

Que Dieu nous oriente vers sa voie la plus droite.

Wa-s salâmu alaykum wa rahmatu-llahi wa barakatuhu».

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A Senegalese seeking news of his daughter, a student in Haiti

Aboubacar Fall, a resident of the suburb of Dakar, said Saturday that the APS is seeking news of his daughter, a student in Haiti, which has lost contact since Monday on the eve of the terrible earthquake that struck this country.

Mr. Fall, who lives in the City » »Comico located on the road Boune Monday he joined his daughter since the day when the earthquake occurred there comes more. Or by telephone at usual when he joined, or by Internet. In fact, says he no longer responded to emails as she usually did.

Aged 26 years, Fatou Fall, who arrived from Haiti in October 2008 with a grant from the Francophonie, attended the Institut de la Francophonie for management in the Caribbean. She is listed in Master 2 Management.

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Un Sénégalais à la recherche de nouvelles de sa fille, une étudiante en Haïti

Aboubacar Fall, un habitant de la banlieue dakaroise, a annoncé samedi à l’APS qu’il est en quête de nouvelles de sa fille, une étudiante en Haïti, dont il a perdu tout contact depuis lundi à la veille du terrible séisme ayant frappé ce pays.

Selon M. Fall qui habite la cité ’’Comico’’ située sur la route de Boune, lundi il a joint sa fille et depuis le lendemain quand le séisme s’est produit il n’y arrive plus. Ni par téléphone, au numéro habituel où il la joignait, ni par Internet. En fait, souligne-t-il, elle ne répond plus aux courriels comme elle le faisait d’habitude.

Agée de 26 ans, Fatou Fall qui est arrivée depuis octobre 2008 en Haïti grâce à une bourse de la Francophonie, fréquente l’Institut de la Francophonie pour la gestion dans la Caraibe. Elle y est inscrite en Master 2 en gestion.

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Haiti – senegal : President Wade suggested to host the Haitians in Africa

The president, Abdoulaye Wade, has expressed his intention to submit a »resolution »to the African Union so that Africa expresses its solidarity and offer its hospitality to the people of Haiti, a victim Tuesday viiolent earthquake .

Speaking Friday before the parliament, President Wade has proposed to offer hospitality to the people of Haiti Africa.

Anticipating the question of where to accommodate the Haitians on the continent, the head of state said that a dialogue will find »a solution ».

 »This is not the first time this happens in the story. Liberia has a population of black Americans who, at one point wanted to leave America to return to their homeland. At first it was difficult, but today they have intermarried with local people for the people of Liberia united around a common ideal, »he said.

Continuing his remarks, President Wade said: »This is why I will submit to the African Union a resolution to show the people of Haiti solidarity and to offer them our hospitality. »

 »Maybe it will accept the Haitians. Maybe they will not accept. But they will record our willingness to help, »he said.

The Head of State believes qu »’ils are entitled to the land of Africa as we are, »noting that »this is not a light heart that they are parties (…) and that » ‘returning to Africa, they will simply go home.

After thanking »the Western powers »for their help during this difficult time, the president said he would »remove »Haiti.

But »it depends on which Haiti is an independent country. We have excellent relationships with many Haitians who live among us (…), »he said, citing the example of the Lemoine family which included Lucien Lemoine died recently in Dakar.

For Abdoulaye Wade, »because »the proliferation of natural disasters in Haiti »and especially the closer in time », Africans must »imagine »something else.

He said »sure the Africans will help »Haitians who survived the earthquake, »before launching a call for all Senegalese, and aliens among us for them to contribute to Haiti in an account opened for that purpose by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. »

 »We will take steps to achieve this assistance to our brothers and sisters of the Republic of Haiti, »he said.

According to the Senegalese President, through the massive earthquake that struck Haiti, Africa and its diaspora »are once again mourning a tragedy to very serious consequences. »

 »This is not the first time this has happened and each time the Haitians to regain confidence and start working, »said the head of state.

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Evacuation of Haitians to Africa, but what planet lives Abdoulaye the polemicist?

He just issued a brilliant idea, our beloved President, which suggests an evacuation of Haitians to Africa. In any case, bravo. Given the magnitude of the tragedy, all ideas are welcome, albeit the least thoughtful.

A fixation on the past

Africa, which has trouble taking off and solve its many problems related to sanitation and urbanization, the image of Dakar, whose suburban wading in flood waters from years past, by what means can she accommodate a population or a whole country at the other end of the world? Failing to offer a sustainable solution and relocate the affected neighborhoods of the capital, despite the poor merits of the plan « ? Jaxaay? » Which we do not tell us where did much of the funding, Abdoulaye Wade, in a of solidarity and pan-Africanism inveterate proposes to depopulate Haiti, thereby forgetting that charity begins at hers. If confined to evacuate the survivors only, as quoted in the article published in « ? The Sun? » There would be no objection. The President should probably ignore how the tragedy of Haiti is serious for an excuse to plan « ? Jaxaay? » International. That way no one any political or attempt recovery of illicit enrichment on the backs of Haitians, as was the case with victims of the suburbs of Dakar. By dint of passing the third of his life between two planes, Wade, who has a hard time putting her feet and her suitcases on earth has come to believe that in this world while still suspended in the air than any is removable and mean « ? balloon? ». He dedicated a book pardon any « ? » A Life for Africa? « And a monument, or shall we say, a statue as he has recently restated. And now, to complete his ideas « ? Ultra Shine, Abdoulaye proposes the polemicist »? Restocking? « The dark continent, to return (almost forced) to the homeland which has just passed the one billion population. With all the tragedies afflicting the continent, it is not tomorrow that Africa will delight the star to the West, immigration. Not Abdoulaye Wade no longer foreigners who repeatedly returned to their countries of origin. If he began by saying, if our country would agree to host the Haitian people, under what conditions and with what means he had to do it? Unless required of those who have helped « ? Possess? » Apartments and companies abroad to repay every cent of taxpayer money that they have confused their personal piggy bank, so to fund this project could not be more unrealistic. It remains to assume that Abdoulaye Wade, very nostalgic 19th century, believed that Marcus Garvey was still alive, and that the « ? » Back to Africa movement? « Is still valid. One day, he will eventually tell us is that the Ku Klux Klan who made the earth tremble in Haiti after Gustav triggered a storm two years ago. Do not see any symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease, because each country has its own calamities. Haiti has its own, which generate a lot of compassion, and we have ours, which do much damage an earthquake, such statements by a president who has trouble staying above the fray, and whose output two is a source of controversy. The Haitian people, as was said and reiterated the President « ? Are entitled to the African soil? ». The question remains, if they want.

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senegal – Summit on food security: some 650 participants expected Monday in Dakar

Some 650 participants are expected at the Summit of Regions on food security which opens Monday at 11 o’clock at the Hotel Meridien President, said Secretary General of the Forum of Global Associations of Regions (FOGAR), Xavier Gizard Saturday at a briefing.

Lasting two days, the meeting, held at the initiative of Senegalese President Abdoulaye Wade, will be held on the theme: »The regions in action against the food crisis. »

It »is organized in partnership with the Forum of Global Associations of Regions (FOGAR) and the Conference of Peripheral Maritime Regions (CPMR), with support from UNDP, FAO, the European Commission and French governments and Spanish. »

The Dakar Summit is to »promote, internationally, the voice of the regions as local public authorities, actresses globalization brings fairness. »

According to Xavier Gizard, it will be marked by a roundtable of regional presidents, and workshops, which provide a framework for floor six topics, including improving food availability and expertise at the service of territorial security food.

It will be attended by several luminaries » »including representatives of the Secretary General of United Nations and Commission of the European Union.

Mr. Gizard addition, the briefing was jointly hosted by the Chief Secretary to the Minister of Agriculture, Makane Diaw, President of the Association of Regions of Senegal, Alioune Niang, and MP Abdoulaye Sene.

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In Port-au-Prince, despair threatens to turn into anger

While the planes land, the voices are silent, little by little under the rubble of Port-au-Prince. International aid arrives at the gates of the capital, but time flies and chaos threatens to settle.

Several observed that the atmosphere is responsible for anger. People move, looking haggard. The CEO of World Vision, Johanne Depelteau, that Le Devoir was attached to Port-au-Prince by telephone, said that « aggressive rises in view of the lack of food. This does not improve until there is not a massive arrival of commodities.  »

In the streets, victims wander among the ruins, violence and corpses. Many people have still received no help.

The military doctors and rescuers begin a race against anarchy and death, hour by hour, gaining ground on hope. The port is still unusable and roads clogged with debris and cracked, slow deployment of emergency teams.

The balance of the earthquake on Tuesday could reach 200 000 people, yesterday told Reuters the Haitian Minister of Interior, Paul Antoine Bien-Aime. « We have already collected about 50 000 bodies and we expect there to be a total of between 100 000 and 200 000 deaths, even if we never know the exact number, » he said. The divergent sources vary between 50 000 and 200 000 people. With 300 000 wounded and 2 million homeless estimated survivor in unsanitary conditions, the fatal breakdown threatens to grow.

On the threshold of chaos

Images showing small groups of youths armed with machetes began circulating yesterday. « They take everything. What can we do? « Asked a reporter from the AP Michel Gros, who waited outside his house that assists to release, dead or alive, seven members of his family trapped in the debris.

Secretary of State for Public Security, Aramick Louis, told Reuters the gangs had begun to invest the capital in ruins. « People in refugee camps can not find food and assistance and are angry. Our message is to stay calm.  »

In protest, some have erected barricades of body blocking the streets of some quadrilaterals, shows a photographer from Time magazine. « We run the risk of riots, feared the Brazilian Minister of Defense Nelson Jobim.

Maintaining public order rests on the shoulders of the 3000 police and UN troops.

The director of World Vision said it lacks everything: food, water, gasoline, but also heavy machinery to accelerate the search for victims alive. Ms. Depelteau tells also that 62 people were trapped under the rubble of a grocery store. « These people are still alive. They are in contact with the outside. They have air, water and food, but it will not last ad infinitum. It would take heavy equipment to clear them, « laments she said.

Survivors are still dug up from the ruins and feed hope. French services say they have identified 30 people in 24 hours. Between despair and violence, religious songs emerge as spontaneously silence.

It is also urgent to rid the streets of corpses that litter. At least 15 000 bodies had already been deposited in mass graves. Secretary of State of Haiti to the Public Safety even talk of 40 000 planted.

Across the country, the survivors wait for aid, some in more remote areas, burning of SOS to the sand beaches. Tent camps housing thousands of refugees, but « can not cook, can not do anything, » said one nurse.

By Monday, 9,000 10 000 military U.S. will lend a hand to the UN and other agencies on site, themselves hard hit by the earthquake.

Aid that is organized slowly

After the confusion and overload occurred at the airport in Port-au-Prince yesterday, the U.S. military took control of the terminal without a control tower or radar, where the soldiers landed material in front of hundreds of Haitians and foreigners who hope to escape.

A first field hospital set up by the Belgians, was overwhelmed with wounded from the opening yesterday afternoon. According to Doctors Without Borders, hundreds of people waiting for surgery.

The U.S. aircraft carrier Carl Vinson is on the horizon, with some of the 600 000 food rations and 100 000 liters of water promised by the Americans. It has three operating rooms and should serve as a floating base for helicopters.

« We realize that Haiti needs more aid. Much more. And we will continue to provide « promised U.S. President, Barack Obama, in a press briefing after talks on the phone with the Haitian president, René Préval. The U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton will visit the site tomorrow to show support to the Haitian people and see the extent of damage.

The United Nations announced yesterday that its secretary general, Ban Ki-moon, would go to Haiti tomorrow to assess humanitarian needs and appealed to the international community to raise 562 million U.S. dollars, intended to help Haitians . Approximately 270 million has been pledged to date.

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Part of African solidarity with Haitians: Gabon show the way by releasing one million dollars

Since the earthquake that devastated the Haitian capital, the efforts of global solidarity is activated. Only the African continent which is conspicuous by its absence, even though Gabon has managed to release a sum of one million dollars for the suffering people of Haiti.

United States to France, through Canada or even some emerging countries, no country wants to be left out from the vast outpouring of solidarity for the Haitian people. A dynamic marked by the absence so far of the African continent. But as for the lead, Gabon has decided to release a windfall of one million dollars to help the Haitians hurt and hit hard by the earthquake. Even if the continent is known for its daily challenges of survival of its people, the solidarity effort is not necessarily materialistic. For in the present context, all forms of aid will be well received by the Haitian people who lack the minimum to survive. ‘Even if we give two dollars, it must be done’, argued former U.S. President Bill Clinton, the early hours of the earthquake.

But Africa also, despite its difficulties, should be able to play its part in this show of solidarity at the site of the Haitian people. That would do a duty of solidarity with people in black majority. Indeed, as the images that had toured the world during the passage of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans in 2006, left the scene by the Earthquake in Haiti irritates every African. Because ultimately, Africa is reflected perfectly in this desolate landscape showing thousands of Haitians agonizing pain in the streets and lacking everything.

Thus, by sacrificing himself for the sum of one million dollars, Gabon wanted to show an example of spontaneous solidarity. And it is not necessarily a monetary or material. For, beyond the participating national institutions like the African Union and ECOWAS should be able to make some effort of solidarity on behalf of the continent. In addition, there are opportunities in the African Development Bank (ADB) and the West Bank, African Development Bank (BOAD).

Sure, South Africa followed suit in Gabon as manifested by its share of contribution. This, especially as this country offers asylum to former Haitian president Jean Bertrand Aristide since his fall in 2004. For today Haiti is as a laboratory test which will ruin the intensity of global solidarity. ‘I am so sad to see people suffer, but I can say I am happy to see all this effort of solidarity to the Haitian people’s place’, remarked the Haitian president, René Préval, yesterday visited the ruins in streets of Port-au-Prince.

Thus, while this solidarity on the ground, huge efforts are under review by donors to alleviate this suffering its devastated island. So that France seeks the cancellation of the remainder of Haiti’s debt at the Paris Club. Meanwhile, the IMF is preparing to release a substantial sum will go towards supporting the reconstruction effort there. And, when the United Nations has about 300 million dollars in aid pledges. We must also say that the image of Gabon, with significant resources, oil countries like Libya, Algeria, Nigeria, should be able lend their touch of solidarity in this vast momentum from launched into action Earthquake in Haiti. For in reality, Africa can not miss this turning point to mark forever his solidarity with the black people martyrdom.

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Senegal – haiti : Abdoulaye Wade donated 500 thousand dollars to the Haitian people

The president, Abdoulaye Wade, has decided, »on behalf of the Senegalese people »to »a »symbolic gift of 500 thousand U.S. dollars (about 250 million francs CFA) to demonstrate its » compassion »to the Haitian people who suffered an earthquake on Tuesday announced the Foreign Ministry in a statement received Saturday at the APS.

 »The people of Haiti has been hit again by a natural disaster that has killed tens of thousands of dead and missing persons (…) For the purpose of showing compassion to the people of Haiti, President of the Republic, on behalf of the Senegalese people, decided to make a symbolic donation of 500 thousand dollars U.S. to the Haitian people, »the sources added.

According to a report given Saturday by the Haitian authorities, there would be 50,000 deaths and more than one million people affected. Since the disaster, international aid is organized to help people.

Beyond this gift, »the people of Senegal is committed to provide the Haitian people, to the extent of his means, all necessary support to rebuild their country », said the Foreign Ministry.

This tragic event »is deeply and painfully felt by the Senegalese people who share with this brother country which creates this suffering around the world an immense outpouring of solidarity, »the statement said.

By this gesture, the head of the Senegalese government »intends to demonstrate the interest aroused by his level where our black brothers of the Caribbean ».  »It is also for him to make the active solidarity of the people of Senegal with the Haitian people. »

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Senegal : Consultation meeting on Haiti this afternoon (Presidency)

A consultation meeting on Haiti held this afternoon from 16: 30 pm at the Palace of the Republic, a statement sent to the APS.

The meeting is under the chairmanship of the president, Abdoulaye Wade, said the source.

The Presidency of the Republic said it will be attended by several leaders and politicians of the country Pape Diop and Mamadou Seck, respectively, chairman of the Senate and chairman of the National Assembly.

Prime Minister Talks Postponed, is also expected, said the source.

In addition to many ministers, the meeting was also extended to the leaders of parties and coalitions of the presidential and Benno Siggil Senegaal.

According to a statement from the Foreign Ministry, the president, Abdoulaye Wade, has decided, »on behalf of the Senegalese people »to »a »symbolic gift of 500 thousand U.S. dollars (about 250 million CFA), to »express his compassion »to the Haitian people who suffered an earthquake last Tuesday.

Beyond this gift, »the people of Senegal is committed to provide the Haitian people, to the extent of his means, all necessary support to rebuild their country, »added the source.

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